So if you are going to be following along, it might help for you to know the steps along the way that led to adding Emma Hope to our family. Like we mentioned, we have had the blessing of being up close and personal with LOTS of adoptive families. We have been privileged to watch what an incredibly good work the Lord does when people open their hearts to His will for their families and these precious children. So, for several years our children have been asking, "When are we adopting?" I love the uncomplicated, unconcerned way they have always approached the subject. So to be honest it was the adults in our family, the parents, who had the issues! How on earth would we be able to adopt even if we wanted to? It costs thousands of dollars!!! In hindsight, we can now see that all along, God was using the innocence and faith of our children, and the encouragement of those who have blazed the trail before us, to gently prod us forward.
On March 11th, 2008, (Brad's birthday!), one of our church pastors and great friend who heads up the adoption ministry, contacted us about two tickets to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert that night in Fayetteville. These tickets were intended to be given to a couple in our church who was interested in exploring the possibility of adoption. We gratefully accepted the tickets! We have loved SCC's music for years and there was also a stirring in both our hearts that this could be a way the Lord was focusing a very blurry picture. The concert was truly amazing! What an incredible mix of worship, fun, solemn, rock out, and convicting music! And what a birthday present for Brad! The focus of the night was on the overwhelming need for families for orphans, both to actually adopt and/or to support those families who do. SCC's strong encouragement was for families who would love to adopt but are hindered by the financial mountain that seems too great to climb. He begged us to absolutely trust God to make a way where there seems to be no way. That God promises to complete what He is calling us to begin in faith. So that night we committed to get off the fence we had been safely sitting on, and choose to trust the only One who has always been Trustworthy!
As it turns out, that was the right choice!!! What seemed so risky actually became the safest decision! Over the last year and a half, every time we have needed wisdom, provision or encouragement to stay the course, He has been right there leading the way. God has used a variety of means and an army of loving people to finish what He started. He has completely blessed our socks off in providing the $$$ and the confirmations we have needed. THANK YOU to all of you God has used to bring our precious daughter home! We don't have the words to thank you sufficiently but we pray the Lord blesses your socks off too!!!
So, we hope and pray that this blog will be one way God uses to help you see what we have been shown...that "adoption is the visible Gospel", a picture of how the Lord has adopted us who have chosen His free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus. We also hope our story will be helpful in encouraging others to step out in faith and actually trust Him to provide for whatever He is asking of you. We would have missed out on a HUGE blessing if we had either said, "No, we don't think You can do something this big", or if we had just been able to provide for it on our own. As with all things that are God's BEST, the way this adoption has come about has His fingerprints all over it! There would have been no way without His miraculous provision and we offer our Lord all the Glory and Praise!!!
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